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Established in 1992 for both constructions and general trade business, Our staff is well educated and trained in both technical and commercial affairs. We have the capability to supply all industrial materials including Oil, Chemical, Electrical Industries and Water treatment projects. We have the full experience to implement all turn key projects.

Successful business begins with  developing a personalized relationship with our customers. Our number one priority is working one to one with each customer in order to help him achieve his goals. It begins with listening. We believe that there is no better investments than the time we spend getting to know our clientele. With a throughout understanding of commercial and technical requirements we can supply products and services that fit your goals. And it works both ways. By sharing our knowledge and experience with you, We empower your decision making . Working with our various subsidiaries and affiliates in the group and in many instances with our renowned industry partners, We can marshal a wealth of construction and trading business intelligence.


Do business with our group is your way toward your success to trade with the world. We will build up the bridge for you to get into world market.